Model                       :                   Norman 23

Cockpit                    :                   Rear

Year                          :                   1980

Engine & Fuel        :                   Yamaha outboard petrol

Capacity                  :                   9.9 hp

Toilet                        :                   Portapotti


Here are some pictures of "Ja-Mo". You will see it has a firm roof for a canopy which unfortunately I hit on a low bridge.  I have managed to get a fold down windscreen which is the original style but I still have to fit it.  That will mean a new canopy but the cold weather is hampering me staring the work; I will send the pictures when the work is done.  I've also bought an add on rudder to help with the wandering and have begun renewing the entire steering.
I'm moored at Barton - Turns but keeping my options open.
Since I'm new at all this and only got my boat mid summer this year I am looking forward to care free cruising next year with all my problems solved.
I also plan to change the boat's name to "Tales of Eathreal" which was my first ever book to get published; so watch this space but I will keep the site updated.  My wife has totally changed the decor inside our Norman and it now looks like a Gypsy caravan inside.


Here are the pics of my conversion.  It was very straight forward with no problems really.  We got the canopy from Coverit and fitted it myself.  Had to relocate some of the cleats but that took hardly no time.  All in about six hours work for two of us.
The hard top was a real mess when it came off and some of the screws were rusted and solid but all in, a very easy job to do.